The easy, reliable way to make cash more accessible to your customers!
From outdoor festivals that only happen once a year to high volume casinos and busy shopping malls, we know exactly what solutions your business will need to set you up for success. Our account managers will work with you to identify the best hardware, communication method, maintenance program and cash management solution for your needs.
Our account managers are available to provide as little or as much assistance as you require. Only looking for transaction processing? Need advice on which ATM to purchase? Looking for a full Turnkey hands-off ATM solution? No matter what it is, Exact Cash has the right plan for you.
Attract a specific group of customers who are loyal to their bank brand. Branded ATM’s have the ability to increase customer traffic by as much as 40% as certain loyal patrons receive additional benefits and a better experience. This ensures that your business becomes a preferred destination rather than the competition.
At Exact Cash, we strive to understand your business needs and incorporate an ATM with a customized suite of services. Our solutions include all, or a preferred set of services from equipment sales and maintenance, transaction processing, communication, cash management and loading, extended warranty coverage and cash monitoring. We will work with you and your team to craft the perfect solution that delivers the best results for your business.