The easy, reliable way to make cash more accessible to your customers!


ATM Cash Management – Achieve Maximum Machine Uptime

ATM Cash Management, often referred to as ATM Cash Loading or Cash Vaulting Services, is where Exact Cash manages, loads and supplies the cash for your ATM.

ATM money management can represent a significant portion of your monthly expenses, especially when managed in-house. Free up more working capital, and let Exact Cash handle your ATM cash management, so you can focus on other business priorities.

Contact Canada's ATM Operator for ATM Cash Management today!

The Exact Cash Difference – Software Aided Cash Management

By integrating advanced ATM cash management software with vendor coordination, we ensure maximum ATM uptimes. Our predictive modeling takes into account your machine’s historical dispensing patterns, days of the week, and upcoming events and holidays to accurately predict and fulfill each ATM’s cash requirements.

Our team will assist your business in several key areas:

  • Managing daily and weekly cash orders.
  • Supervising the transfer of funds to armored carriers and ATMs.
  • Monitoring cash levels to prevent shortages.
  • Arranging emergency cash replenishments.
  • Overseeing and auditing expenses related to armored carriers and cash suppliers.

At Exact Cash, we’ve transformed money management into a precise discipline. This approach allows us to offer a comprehensive, profit-enhancing solution for your business.

Contact Exact Cash to Secure Reliable ATM Cash Management Services Today!


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