The easy, reliable way to make cash more accessible to your customers!


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Fees Explained
ATM Transaction Processing:
  • No Fee.
ATM Setup and Programming:
  • No Fee. (Only applicable if the ATM is acquired from us.)
ATM Delivery & Installation:
  • Within the Greater Toronto Area: $225
  • Outside the Greater Toronto Area within Ontario: $225 to $450
  • Other Canadian Provinces: From $450 (Delivery Only)
ATM Maintenance:
  • $0.35 per txs for fixed fee merchants.
  • If the surcharge is calculated as a dynamic percentage, then maintenance is just 10% of the result.
ATM Cash Management
  • Starting at $0.75 per txs
ATM Communication
  • Ethernet Communication: No Fee.
  • Independent Wireless Communication: $20 per month

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