The easy, reliable way to make cash more accessible to your customers!

Convenience Store ATM – An Essential Service

The competitive nature of todays market demands that retailers deliver a superior customer experience. Customer satisfaction should be your top priority.

By having an ATM at your convenience store, you can grow your customer base, drive satisfaction and boost customer loyalty.

In today’s day and age, not having an ATM on-site is unheard of.  When customers think “ATM” they automatically think “Convenience Store”. So, if you don’t have one yet, not only are you missing out on an extra source of income but your customer may not find your store as convenient as the competition.

Exact Cash ATM – A Smart Decision

Exact Cash ATMs generate income for our convenience store clients in four ways:

Choose the optimal in-store location for your ATM to ensure maximum visibility, accessibility and usage.

Choose an ATM with a couponing option to encourage customers to return to your store more often.

Lower your credit and debit fees as more customers pay with cash.

A large ATM sign outside your business will attract more visitors to your store.

Above all, having an ATM at your convenience store meets the needs and demands of your customers. Taking care of your customers needs is the first step towards securing a prosperous future for your business.

Let us help you find the perfect solution for your Convenience Store

Convenience Store ATM – Branding and Advertising

Exact Cash ATMs are cash machines that have the ability to provide additional information to your customers.

Contact Exact Cash today to speak with an experienced Account Manager who can guide you through the ATM Branding, on-screen advertising and coupon dispensing programs to promote your products and add value to your customers.

With an Exact Cash ATM, more cash in the hands of your customers means they have more cash to spend on your products and services!

Discover the perfect ATM solution for your convenience store, contact Exact Cash today!

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